21 Novembre 2022

A revolution without leader

Our investigation on Iran continues, we met in Milan an Iranian student, Mahsa, so we wanted to call for fear because soon she will have to return to Iran. She told us what it means to live every day in the country, under the regime, with the green police that deals with morality.
17 Novembre 2022

‘Women – Life – Freedom’: The Iranian cry for freedom arrived to Italy

It's afternoon, it’s almost five, when I arrive in front of Palazzo Moroni in Padua. There are already many people, mostly Iranians, who gradually form a human chain, holding each other's hands. Progressively other demonstrators arrive and the choirs grow. The participants sing to freedom, against dictatorships, against the impositions of the Islamic regime, and obviously for Mahsa and all Iranian women. The slogan “Zan, zendegi, azadi” (زن زندگی آزادی - Woman, life, freedom) reaches up to the sky, and through the streets of Padova flow the Persian songs that have become a symbol of the Iranian revolution.
8 Novembre 2022

Ponte di Messina, un miliardo per l’opera che non c’è

Abbiamo fatto un’analisi su studi e progetti del Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina che potrebbe esserci costato già un miliardo senza esserci. Sono stati spesi trecento milioni di euro in progettazioni e pende ancora una causa da 750 milioni.
7 Novembre 2022

Un paio di scarpe non conformi

Continua la nostra inchiesta sull’Iran, abbiamo incontrato a Milano una studentessa iraniana, Mahsa, così si e voluta far chiamare per paura perché presto dovrà rientrare in Iran. Ci ha raccontato cosa significa vivere ogni giorno nel Paese, sotto il regime, con la polizia verde che si occupa della morale.
13 Ottobre 2022

Saint-Louis, the city most threatened by rising sea levels

The reportage of Fabio Ferrari in Senegal. If in our part of the world climate anomalies are only recently developing the perception of an emergency that ignores borders, in other less privileged areas of the planet the term ‘climate change’ has been on the lips of local populations for decades. In Senegal, for example, coastal erosion has already caused thousands of climate refugees. The most serious situation in Saint-Louis.